Thursday, June 21, 2007

Keeping myself busy...

Just got home, spent the rest of the afternoon with my two girlfriends, Missy and Jhongke. We ate, talk, stroll, talk...and more talk...hehehe! I want to get home tired so as not to think of anything before going to bed. Still no word from him. Well, it piss me off because I do not know where and what is happening with him. I need to ask his friends...they know more...hmmmmp! When I say i'm damned worried about him, I mean it...I don't say things because I have to or it sounds good...i'm not putting up a show just to please him. Hayyyy...

Anyways, just bought six books for only Php120. Wow! That's from booksale. I'm almost done reading John Grisham's The Partner. Can't put it down. I think he is a great author. I really could not imagine what will happen to the main characters. So many surprises...I thought the male lead character was bad turned out that there are more villains in the story. Got to start my book journal....

By the way, I watched Cars last Monday. It was a nice film with moral lessons...Cried actually, when Lightning McQueen went back for that (sorry, forgot his name) old racer, when the victory is just an inch away. Proves that winning isn't everything. Quote from the movie "Its just an empty cup." There are a lot of things important than that, friendship, keeping your values intact and of course the relationship you have with people that are important to you.

Still, cannot sleep. I'm not yet tired.

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