Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I voted! First ever automated election in the Philippines

May 10, 2010, marked the first automated election in the Philippines. And I'm proud to say that I was part of it. I want to commend Comelec for pushing through with the automated election. Despite the odds I am still happy with the result I just hope we can all learn from the experience for a better automated election the next time.

For the first time, the candidate I have voted for won. It's just so sad that other Filipinos are so pessimistic about the new president. For the past two elections I never liked the candidate who won but I respected the result as it is because I believe that more than a good leader the progress should start within ourselves.

I just want to share someone's opinion from Twitter:

RT : Stop hating on Aquino. Stabilizing the economy is a team effort. At the end of the day, we're all on the same boat. Let's all work together.

And let me leave you with this sentence from sen. Noynoy Aquino:

"The real problem in the country is the POVERTY OF MIND."


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