Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harry Pot-pot Day!

Yep! I watched it on its third day...not really that excited about the movie, maybe I've outgrown my fancy with Daniel Radcliffe or got tired of wishing that it will still be Hermoine and Harry in the end, nevertheless I will not miss it. I watched the movie with my hubby and of course my two sisters by heart, Jhongkie and Elaine. I'm more thrilled in seeing them ( Jhongkie and Elaine ) than seeing the movie. I even took the time to visit sureseats.com to make sure that we will have a good viewing seats...hehehe! After the movie, we had our usual photoshoot...I don't have the copy of the pics yet but I will surely post it here.

Should I still comment about the movie?! Hmmmmm, well.....ammmm...........my sis Jhongkie keep on saying while inside the movie house, "Comedy ba pinanood natin?!" she was saying that in between laugh. The movie is really hilarious, as oppose to the last movie The Goblet of Fire...I think that movie is dark. What I miss are the fight scenes involving the trio (I guess on the seventh book more fight scenes will be seen). Snape's portrayal, has always been superb. I was amazed to see Ginny grew more beautiful, and Hermoine? Wow! She has always been dazzling. My fave is still Chamber of Secrets...we'll see!

Thanks impawards.com for the pic.

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