Friday, September 10, 2010

My Preggy Photoshoot

I've been pestering my brother to have this photo taken. I know he's always busy during weekends, so I'm really, really happy to finally have my preggy pics.

It only took us 20 minutes to finish the set-up and have the pictures taken. They arrived late in the afternoon and I have to go somewhere else at around 6pm. No make-up, I didn't have the chance to comb my hair and I can't find the skirt that I should be wearing. So, I settled for a black skirt that didn't match my brown tube...but seeing the pics it still went well with my top.

The badgering of my brother didn't stop there, I was so excited to see the pics that I didn't stop texting him to finish it. The next day, I had my pictures posted on Facebook. It's so nice...

Preggy pics:


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