Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy sisters!

I opened Facebook today and found out that my sister Jhongkie is officially together with Pooh. They're dating for several months now and i'm just so glad that they have finally made it official. I'm just so happy that I need to blog about it.

The three of us all came from a very bad relationship. My boyfriend, before I met my husband, fell in love with my closest friend in the office. Jhongkie's ex is a two-timer and Elaine's as well. Pretty bad, uh?! We all know how hard it was to move on and seeing them that way also pain me. And now seeing us all three in a happy relationship overwhelm me to bits.

I am now married with my very loving husband. Who's always there to support and understand me. He changed me in so many ways. I love him so much!

Jhongkie is with Pooh. I can tell they're soooo in love with each other. I've never seen my sister in love this way before. She's so happy.

Elaine is with Francis. He never left her especially when my sister is super down. I saw how dedicated he was in winning my sister back. You did not just won Elaine's heart back but also the trust of all the people who loves her.

I pray that we will always be happy.



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