Monday, April 14, 2008

My Own Blog Badge

My Sis, Jhongke created a cool Blog Badge for me. I really like it so much. Pink and black, just like my Friendster account background. Thank you, Sis! Lab yah!

Here's the badge:

Love Visual DNA

This is a cute tag from Jhongke. The results are so true. Click on the picture to read the result.
Copy here:
1. Take the test - Love Visual DNA.
2. Post your result by adding your name (linked to your blog),
your loved type (linked to your Love DNA result).
3. Tag everybody else!

Results: 1. Aggie - Warm and Fuzzy 2. Thea - Warm and Fuzzy 3. Something Purple - Warm and Fuzzy 4. A Detour - Warm and Fuzzy 5. Princess Vien - Wistful Soul 6. Tet - Wistful Soul 7. Chat - Warm and Fuzzy 8. Jhong- Love Magnet 9. Eda - Warm and Fuzzy

Here are the results:


Edabelle's Site Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design and Bukit Gambang