Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why i'm Staying?

Its simple...i'm happy.

A lot of people may not understand why, but there are few who will. These are people whom for one point in there life experienced the same feeling. Its soooo hard to put it into words but i'm sure I still want to stay. As long as he wants me to.

I'm happy because...
...he gave me the chance to feel what its like to give more of myself without asking anything in return. All my life, I received so much love and care from people around me. And its just wonderful to give more and expect less.

...I learned more of myself than I learn about him. I'm surprise that I was able to do things I never thought I am capable of doing.

...he made me appreciate things more. I realized how blessed I am. I may not have everything in life but all the things and the people I have right now is enough to make me happy.

...being with him made me appreciate life more. Life is short, I must do things that would make me happy, give importance to all the people in my life and spend each day as if it is the last. I would never let a day pass by without letting these people know how much they mean to me. amazes me how he made me feel the real meaning of contentment just by looking at him.

In my entire life I never took a risk...not until I met him.

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