Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Story of our Little Joey

October 08, 2015...we were overwhelmed with so much joy when we found out that I am pregnant with our third child.

November 04, 2015...in the afternoon I had spotting.  We then rushed to the hospital to have my condition checked.  The ultrasound confirmed that the Baby doesn't have heartbeat and is smaller for the Baby's age.  The doctor said that I am experiencing threatened abortion.  We were given an option to either wait for the Baby to come out naturally or choose for D and C operation.

As I was laying down there, in the doctor's room and her explaining the unhealthy pregnancy and tears streaming down my face, all I could think of was "Dear God, not again please."  And for someone who had been there, I kept my hopes high.  I searched the Internet and found out that sometimes these findings can be mistaken due to miscalculation of conception date.  I can opt to wait for another week and ask for a second opinion.

Apparently, the next day the bleeding worsen and it was accompanied by pain.  I then went again to the hospital and had a second ultrasound.  The doctor said the bleeding and pain will get worse and there's really nothing we can do.

At 8 weeks and 6 days, we lost our third child.

It hurts as much as the first but it is what it is. Life goes on and trust God's plans. No questions asked, no finding reasons it is just how it's suppose to be.

In this entire ordeal, it just amazes me how God weaves his plans for us. Even in this trying times I know that He will get me through it.  First off, God secured us financially. My insurance was without maternity for the longest time. I was able to complete the documents to update it two days before the unfortunate event happened.  It could have happened earlier than that but it did not.  God put wonderful people in my life to support and encourage me. Family and friends who never fail to let me know that they're there to support and pray for me. A strong husband who I can lean on and took charge of everything while I am feeling down myself. A bubbly daughter who cheers me up everyday. Most especially God's promise that his unfailing love never forgets.

Your story, our little Joey may have ended too soon but the memories will always remain. I'll never forget how you put that big smile on your Dad's face. I'll remember how you got me excited to be pregnant again, just like it's the first time. I'll remember how your big sister really got hyped of finally having a Baby sister/brother.  I'll remember...always and forever!


jhong said...

Stay strong sis, we are here for you...

Edabelle said...

Thanks sis! Muaahhhuuugggsss!

MelAguilar said...

You never fail to amaze me with your strength, optimism and trust in the Lord's ways. Maybe you had to go through something so devastating to encourage and show others how we can rise above it and still see the silver lining. You are a blessing to everyone who's lucky to know you and little Joey knew love.

Edabelle said...

Wow Mel! Thank you! Although I don't feel worthy of the words you said coz I feel weak at times. Pero thank you. Your words means a lot.


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