Thursday, October 14, 2010

Daddy's here from Jamaica

I can't still believe Chris is here. I wish I could describe the feeling of seeing him again after six weeks of being apart. I saw him cross the street to where we are waiting, and I was just smiling like crazy, staring at him, looking like a starstruck fan until he got near me. I was just looking at him and not moving...hahaha! Until he motioned me to come to him.

I can still remember the misadventures we had during his departure. I was crying already on our way to the airport and when we got there I can't contain the feeling of sadness that I burst out crying like a baby.....only to find out that we have to fetch him again because he was on the wrong terminal. It was so hilarious that I forgot for a while that I will be missing him for six weeks. When we finally drop him off to the right terminal, emotions were overcame by the fact that he is running late. Just a quick goodbye and we send him off immediately. Up until now we still laugh about this. The loneliness sank in when I went home all alone. Suddenly our house doesn't feel like a home anymore. Yes, we talk everyday...but still a big chunk of my life was missing. It was like the song "I left my heart in San Francisco"...only mine has a different tune "I send my heart in Jamaica."

But he's here already...the feeling was so surreal. I can't help staring at him, hugging him for a very long time and talking to him like I've never talked to him in ages. I am just sooooo happy! I keep on thanking the Lord above for keeping him safe always. Thankful for such a wonderful blessing!

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