Friday, March 25, 2011

Lomo Lomo and Pocketbooth

Two applications I have installed recently. Thanks to may friend Marie for introducing Lomo Lomo to me. I know iPhone camera is not as good as Sony's but with Lomo Lomo it gives more drama on my pics. It looks like the pic was taken by a pro. Plus, I don't have to Photoshop it. Really neat! Here are some pics I have taken using this application.

Just this morning I stumbled into Pocketbooth. I installed it and toom pictures of Baby Kenzi. Soooo, nice!

I love it! I can't wait to use this to take pictures of my friends. Before I end this blog let me leave you another Pocketbooth pic.

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So happy I found this application, it makes my blogging easier and faster. I've always wanted to update my blog diligently, but as work and responsibilities get in my way, I am having a hard time doing so. Whoever made this application...ur a genius!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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