Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

I just finished reading this novel and like other Nicholas Sparks book it made me cry. The ending is not what I have expected, surprisingly I never saw it coming. It is a book to inspire married couple that it is never too late to renew the burning passion that once lost. It is also a realization that a man can truly do something to change what is bound to happen.

While reading the first part of the book, I can't help thinking about my own marriage. I've been married for almost three years now and so far it has been a wonderful experience for me. I just can't help thinking what will it be after 10 years, 20 or even 30 years...will we be able to keep the enthusiasm towards our relationship? I know things will be a lot different with children around, problems will arise, more misunderstandings maybe....but I hope it will not ruin whatever beautiful thing we have right now.

Thanks romanticscholar for the pic.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend break from the hustle and bustle

I think this staying-at-home-during-pregnancy thing is really working for me. Well at first I must admit I was kind of sulking about the idea. Why not? I am so not used to staying at home let alone for a year ( because most probably I would be working next year ), I am used to earning my own money, not that Chris doesn't give me anything, but it is just different to have your own money and spend it.

I realized it is not a bad idea after all. Chris is really nice in tagging along his preggy wife to all his "lakads." I get to spend time with him, we always go out even if our off are not the same but now, it is just so easy. No more checking of schedules, we can always have fun on weekends.

We usually spend our Fridays with his office mates or go to San Pedro. Sometimes we have Mama, relatives or friends visit us at our humble home. Sundays are also check up day for me and we sometimes schedule some get together while we're in the city.

I have to say, this is the most exciting thing ever happened on our weekend. WE GOT TO WATCH GINEBRA LIVE!!! We have been planning this for the longest time but since our schedules are not the same we totally put behind the idea of watching it. If your wondering why's the only team we've ever agreed of liking. In any sports we usually root for a different team. I like Ginebra since I was just in highschool back when Jawo was still playing.

Here are some pics of our great time with Chris' office mates. I'd really think Baby Kenzi will be a pro when it comes to singing...that's what we usually do when we're together...well, aside from eating and indulging myself to sweets, which by the way is the number one issue in my diet. Can't help it!

And some pics of us spending time with our family. Special occasions such as birthdays and some pics of people who have visited us at home:

Would I ever forget to spend time with my sisters by heart? Of course not. Jhongkie is also a bum like me but she often go to Tiaong and Elaine is very busy....we only had the chance to see each other once...but it was really, really fun!

Look, Daddy's present:


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