Sunday, July 5, 2009

Movie Date

Should have written about this topic sooner but couldn't find time, especially now Chris' mom is here in the Philippines. We stay in their Laguna house every weekend to spend some time with her.

Anyways, last June 26, we watch the Trasnformers in Glorietta. Uber sa dami ang mga tao...should have went there early to get an earlier slot. We fall in line for almost an hour and got a not so good viewing time and seat, suprisingly I still enjoyed the entire date. The movie was superb and i'm with my hubby...

While outside the movie theater waiting for our turn to get tickets, I took pleasure of taking some pictures of what seemed like a never ending line of people who are eager to see the movie:

After the movie we went to Toy Kingdom for some toy hunting. My husband wants to buy the UFC, Series one toys...especially Matt Hughes figure. He was really sure he is going to buy that, not until we saw Kratos action figure...we've been looking for this toy forever. Ang hirap talaga maghanap. I told him he can only choose one, he will have to come back for the other maybe next month or the following month. He bought Kratos and we also bought some board games which we haven't use until now.

Here's a pic of the latest addition on his collection:

Fight against Cervical Cancer

Year 2007, my OB informed me that I am prone to cervical was a devastating news for me and not wanting my family to worry I kept it from them when I underwent an operation. It's scary knowing that cervical cancer is said to be the second leading cause of death among Filipino women. I am single then, and I thought, it's fine I will not marry and have kids. So, I never went back to my OB to have the vaccination.

Four months later I met my husband Chris and regretted my decision not acting at once to prevent having the disease. I want to stay healthy for my family, expecially for our kids.

A month after giving birth to Baby Kitin, I had my first vaccination for anti-cervical cancer. It was Php5000 back then, good thing with my last two shots of the vaccine it only cost Php2500 each. Last June I had my last shot and my OB suggested to wait for another six months to have another child. I'm really excited for that day to come.

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