Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Neopet's Free Food for the Month of June

When I checked my Neopets...they're both dying. Huhuhu! Wawa naman! I'll have to put them in a hotel so that they will not starve to death. Costly, pero ok lang.

HammeRuler ... Short-Measure Acceleration for You!

The HammeRuler is built on the notion of Short-Measure Acceleration (SMA). By cutting down on tool switching time when doing short measures, the HammeRuler makes you more efficient. You probably don't realize how much time you spend putting down your hammer to pick up your ruler.

What Kind of Sandal Are You?

I was hoping to get a high-heeled type of sandals....hehehe!

You are Flat Sandals

Casual yet flirty

You look great in a simple top and jeans

Your look is approachable and cute!

It's time for some Sex and the City

From a half hour cable show, to the BIG screen. On TV, SATC wry look at Manhattan's dating scene that was more about female friendship than sex, though there was plenty of that. Will the movie live up to the series?


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