Saturday, April 30, 2011

His N Hers

I was rummaging through our stuff when I realize the things Chris and I have are always the same, it's like buying stuff for twins.

His and hers PSP - obviously mine is pink. We use it to play Monster Hunter together. He said I can help him finish missions faster.

His cup of coffee and my cup of pineapple juice.

His black Jansport bag and hers blue. Very helpful when traveling.

His phone and hers pink phone.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Kimy Banana Ice Cream

I wanted to taste Kimy Banana ice cream since I watched it's commercial. I've never even thought it would be possible to actually peel the yellow thingy, turned out to be a jelly, but it was. I'm skeptical about this, you know how commercials are really far from the truth when you see the product.

So, one grocery day I remember buying one. To my huge surprise it never failed me. It was actually fun peeling the jelly and it was twice the fun eating the white banana ice cream. I hope they have this banana flavoured ice cream, I can eat half a gallon by myself.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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