Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer lovin' happened so fast

The title just popped out of my mind...don't know why, i'm not even a Grease movie fan and I hated John Travolta since I watched Face Off. Maybe that's the result of being at home for many months now. Watching loads of movies, shows, playing video games and my favorite...eating. Although my morning sickness is killing me, I still manage to eat...and face the consequence of throwing up afterward. I am not complaining, being pregnant again is one of the most wonderful thing happened to me this year. I know I said on my last post that I am sad, but since the news came of me being pregnant's as if a load was lifted off my chest. I am very much happy.

We've been busy this summer, the busiest summer ever. Chris' mom went home and stayed for more than a month because of the Iceland eruption. Every weekend we go home to Laguna to spend some time with them. We went to Pagudpod, the longest land travel I've ever experienced. We went to Tagaytay to visit some family friends of mom, going to malls will do if there's no enough time for the weekend. We also had fun swimming in our inflatable pools. My husband and I still finds time to go to Mama's house.

Our Pagudpod vacation:

Windmill stop over:

Inflatable pool:

One of our mall-escapade, my mom meets Chris' mom for the first time:

Of course I won't end the summer without hanging out with my sisters, even though we're so caught up with our own lives, we will still take the time out to see and bond with each other.


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