Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Little Girl is Growing Up

"They grow up so fast."

A cliché all parents hear about their kids and yes it is true.  Our little girl, Kenzi is not as little as she used to be and we just want to enjoy every bit of her growing up.

So, she used to be our bulinggitoy baby girl:
See, she seems happy getting home.
Now, she's an adorable Chubby Princess:
Yup, everyone is wrong, Snow White loooooves chocolate cakes and not Apples.

And then, she used to bath like this:

But now…this:

She fits anywhere:

But now, she barely fits her stroller:
Hi there, cousin Valene!

She used to be put on the shopping cart:

But now, she put things in the shopping cart:

She drives by herself:

Now, she's cool having company:

She's modeling at home:

Now, she prefers at a party:

She looks so small standing in front of the TV:

Now, not so small at all:

She had a strange way of style:

And then she grew up to be a fashionista:

I could go on forever on this, but I guess what I really wanted to say is:  I don't want these moments to pass without even realizing how important and special they really are.  I cherish every moment with you my dear child.

Monday, February 24, 2014

I'll Blog Again

That's what I said four months ago.  I even took a note on my handy notebook, but for the life of me, I cannot bring myself to open my blog.  Then for some unknown driving force, I reopened my blog, retrieved my long forgotten password and carefully wrote these sentences for my comeback post.

Boy, that was hard.  I was just staring on a blank page for quite awhile.  Not knowing what to say. Contemplating what kickass comeback post should I write.  I wrote some ideas but I am saving them for our first year here in Abu Dhabi.

Yes!  The family migrated to UAE.  A lot had happened.  It was a wonderful journey and at the same time a hard one, but I am saving these stories for my later post.

Du-Deee-Dum-Dee-Dum...nothing much to say but......laters!

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