Friday, June 26, 2015

It's Father's Day

It's Father's Day, 21/06/2015. We got you new Vans shoes but the kid really wants to buy you a new laptop. That made you smile. Afternoon, Nikki wants us to watch Jurassic World and I was so tired I don't want to go. For the first time, I saw you sad, maybe because it's the first time I'm not going with you or maybe because it's Father's Day. Whatever the reason, I felt the sadness but I'm glad I went with you, because I saw your smile looking at our kid while she sat beside you in the movie house. Eventhough the movie sucks because I was thinking the entire time how the female lead actress keeps on running with high heels, I am still glad I went because I saw your happiness that finally our Little Girl is your new movie buddy. I would not exchange that for anything else.

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