Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

I just finished reading this novel and like other Nicholas Sparks book it made me cry. The ending is not what I have expected, surprisingly I never saw it coming. It is a book to inspire married couple that it is never too late to renew the burning passion that once lost. It is also a realization that a man can truly do something to change what is bound to happen.

While reading the first part of the book, I can't help thinking about my own marriage. I've been married for almost three years now and so far it has been a wonderful experience for me. I just can't help thinking what will it be after 10 years, 20 or even 30 years...will we be able to keep the enthusiasm towards our relationship? I know things will be a lot different with children around, problems will arise, more misunderstandings maybe....but I hope it will not ruin whatever beautiful thing we have right now.

Thanks romanticscholar for the pic.

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