Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Missin'....missin'...d blogging...blogging...blogging

What a stupid title...I know! I missed blogging so much...our computer is down for almost a month now and we're having a hard time getting it up and running. Hayyyy!

Been so busy lately...work and house and some knick knacks on the side. There are a lot of things I was thinking to blog about...and while typing this I couldn't think of anything to write.

Well, been busy watching Amazing Race...I love the Globethrotters! I also like Zev and Justin, I was a bit sad when they were eliminated. Again, me and my husband are rooting for a different team. He likes the Poker Girls more because they've shown how bitchy they were on the first leg of the race. As the race continues, I guess they're not that bitchy...

Without so much to write, I just want to share the bonding moments I had with my sisters:


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