Monday, January 18, 2010

An essay I wrote when I was in college

I found an essay I wrote back in college. I couldn't remember what subject it was but i'm sure it is not an English subject. For some reason our professor asked us to write things about ourselves and what we will become ten years from the time we wrote the essay.

Here it is:

I am Edabelle B. Ragay, 21 years of age. At this point in my life I am still uncertain of what the future holds for me.

When I was a kid, I used to dream of being a nurse, but as I was getting older, I realized I never wanted to be one instead I wanted to be an engineer.

Industrial Engineering was my first choice. At first don't know much about it, it's just that this is the only engineering field that I'm most likely to be interested in. Now, i'm already in my fifth year, and the longer I stayed here the more i learn and the more I appreciate the career of an Industrial Engineer.

After graduation, I would like to apply for a job that is not connected with a manufacturing firm. I know how flexible this career is, that's why I want to work in offices and not in a production area, where many people believed where an Industrial Engineer would be. I told myself that I will work hard, not for myself but most especially for my family. I want to give them back all the sacrifices and help they had given me. When i'm able to save enough money, I would like to put up a business. I am thinking of investing to our own family store but if things wouldn't work that way, I would probably put up my own, where my mom, being a business woman that she is, would help me in managing it. My business would be a child care center because i'm so fond of taking care children or it could be a dance studio wherein i'll be teaching our clients different forms of dance.

At this point in my life, I don't see myself marrying someone. Maybe because i'm focused on giving my parents the life they deserve and i'm scared of the thought that nobody would take care of them. Another reason, is that I want to serve God. As I grow older I became closer to him and that is where my will of serving him grows. But of course, I don't know, what it will be. Only God knows but one thing is for sure, whatever it is, he will lead me to the path where I will be truly happy.

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