Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I know better now...

A day after I made the presentation for him, I found out something really horrible about him. It is something that I wouldn't thought he would do. And what's really hurting me now, instead of putting things to rest between the two of us, I kept on finding things about him, things I wish I never knew. Everyday its as if a gruesome part of his personality unfold. And everyday my resentment for him grows. To the point that I don't wanna talk to him anymore and I don't wanna see him. Have I done something wrong to you? Did I not treat you good when we're still together? For you to repay me these things?

I didn't ask for anything from you but to respect me. During the relationship, even if I didn't feel you respected me as your girlfriend you should have at least respected me as a person. You don't have any right to treat me this way.

Right now I'm still angry...I never felt so betrayed in my life. Shame on me for trusting you so much that I was blinded from who you really are. Shame on me for giving you so much love even if you don't deserve it. I'm moving on, and I know I can get through this. I'll hold back my anger while I can, because I know I should respect you as my superior. And that's the only respect that you will be getting from me.



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