Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Awakening the blogger in me...

Wow! Hanep sa title.

I've been down and out...no time for blogging, but I'm so back with vengeance, hahaha! I'm here in my mom's house browsing news on the web and blog hopping again...my second best past time, next to exasperating my husband (it happens only if he's busy playing PSP and watching TV).

We'll move out from their house in Laguna this weekend. I'm hoping that in our new place there's an Internet signal. But for the meantime, excuse me if i'll post several blog entries in a day. Speaking of moving out, here's a pic of the apartment:

It is in Sucat near our office. I'm a bit scared and excited. Scared, maybe because it will only be the two of us. I'm really used to having someone older than me in the house. Who will take charge of everything. Excited, because of the same reason that it will only be me and my husband. Yohooo! Hahaha! Can't help this dirty mind of mine. Anyways, its hard to start a new family. We need to buy things for the house...from broomstick, hanger to appliances and kitchenware. Well, new beginning.



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