Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fight against Cervical Cancer

Year 2007, my OB informed me that I am prone to cervical was a devastating news for me and not wanting my family to worry I kept it from them when I underwent an operation. It's scary knowing that cervical cancer is said to be the second leading cause of death among Filipino women. I am single then, and I thought, it's fine I will not marry and have kids. So, I never went back to my OB to have the vaccination.

Four months later I met my husband Chris and regretted my decision not acting at once to prevent having the disease. I want to stay healthy for my family, expecially for our kids.

A month after giving birth to Baby Kitin, I had my first vaccination for anti-cervical cancer. It was Php5000 back then, good thing with my last two shots of the vaccine it only cost Php2500 each. Last June I had my last shot and my OB suggested to wait for another six months to have another child. I'm really excited for that day to come.



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