Thursday, May 8, 2008


Last Monday, May 5, 2008 I had my second ultrasound. I am 22 weeks and 5 days pregnant and we are hoping to see our Baby's gender. We went to Clinica Manila, Megamall for the ultrasound and was checked by Dr. Calderon. It toke several minutes before she finish checking my Baby, longer than usual and we already had the feeling that something is wrong because we can see from the monitor that she wasn't looking at our Baby. She was examining something else. When she was finished, all she said was that we can get the result after an hour. I asked her what the gender of our Baby, all she said was it can't be seen at this moment but there was some findings and our doctor will be the one to explain it to us.

The one hour that we waited for the result was the longest and most distressing one hour of my life. I am quiet most of the time and a lot of things crossed my mind but I am hoping that my Baby is still alright. I was lucky that my husband was there to give me encouraging words. My friends Elaine and Jhongke texted me immediately and Elaine went to the church to pray for my Baby's safety. She even made me laugh by saying, maybe they diagnosed that i'm carrying twins which is unlikely base from the size of my tummy.

After an hour we went back to the clinic and I immediately read the result. The impressions was good, my Baby is on the exact length, active fetal movement and good heartbeat. There was a note at the bottom of the page, it says: "There is a rounded, well circumscribed mass protruding at the anterior abdominal wall measuring 4.3 x 5.3 x cm. containing the intraabdominal contents (bowels and liver). Umbilical vessels are seen inserting into the sac. Consider Omphalocoele."

My husband and I are clueless of what it means. We even thought that it was me who has a problem. My main concern at that time was my Baby, I hope my Baby is not affected. I texted Jhongke to look over the Internet the meaning of Omphalocele because we need to wait another hour for my doctor. From the reply that I got from her, there is only two words that confirm my fret and it was "birth defect." It was seconded by Dr. Francisco, reliever of our doctor, Dr. Matias.

An omphalocele is a birth defect in which the infant's intestine or other abdominal organs stick out of the belly button (navel). In babies with an omphalocele, the intestines are covered only by a thin layer of tissue and can be easily seen. According to the article that i've read, nothing trigger this kind of birth defect. It happens 1 for every 5000 live birth.

It was really a devastating news for both of us. Feeling sad won't help my Baby survive. I know I should eat well and feel good so that my Baby will be healthy for the operation. Above all, prayers will save my Baby.


Leandra said...

I just barely saw your comment on my blog. I wish you luck! It'll be a long road but at least we live in a day and age when our babies can get the best medical care :-)

Alex said...


I got your post. I am sorry to hear about your baby, but the odds should be much higher in your favor.

I am definetly praying that the baby is ok and that they succeed in everything.

Good Luck and absolutely please keep me updated as you go along, thanks!


fosterheartsathome said...

Hi there...I am a foster mom to a little guy born with a huge oph. I just wanted to encourage you...he just had several major operations and is doing great! He had one of the largest on record, but seems to have overcome and now we are working on trying to get him to crawl! There's hope.


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