Wednesday, October 28, 2009

For a moment there....

I thought I have forgotten my blogspot log-in information...

I thought I would have to create a new account and won't be able to update this place again...

I thought of all people, my account has been hacked...

Whew! I had spent five minutes of recalling my log-in information here. It really scared me to bits...seriously...I keep on repeating all the possible log-in information. Turned out I have mixed up my office log-in information to this.

Anyways, I just finish munching a Banana cupcake from Marybakes...just wanna blog about it. It was really yummy...and the designs are really cute. Best giveaways for baptism and birthdays. Here are some pics of the cupcake that I am talking about:

These are the cute designs that I am talking about. If you're wondering about the designs, we actually got this cupcake when we attended the baptismal of my husband's inaanak Dylan. Cute baby...and cute Ninong ( he want me to put that ).

This is my fave by the way:

You can contact marybakes at this number 09228357001.



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