Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Latest Craze...

Since I was just a kid, aside from collecting barbie dolls and stationery I am also an aficionada of playing computer games. I remember how me and my brother fought over Sega portable player and Family computer. Good thing they created a two player game. We used to play Super Mario (I cried wanting so hard to be Mario...but my evil brother won't allow me...I thought back then Mario is better because he always saves the Queen), who can ever forget the up-up-down-down cheat for Contra, where you can get a hundred life (now, it's my turn to make my brother cry, because I always get his extra life whenever I ran out...hehehe!), Battle City and other games that are really fun to play. My parents will send us to bed early because of Pacman...I always hear their petty quarrels because of that. And until now i'm a full pledge computer game freak.

My latest craze is Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords...I play it on PSP. My original plan is to play Monster Hunter but had a change of mind when my husband is now very much into playing that game. Good thing my teammate Chubbs gave me the copy of Puzzle Quest...I'm sure there will be a lot of "undone household chore" and "sleeping on the wee hours of the morning" drama. I forgot what level my charater is but I already did a lot of quest and i'm hoping I will not be stuck in killing this two-headed monster that the name escapes my mind right now, but i'm sure it starts with the letter "D."

Here's a pic of my character...I was hoping to get a better copy to no avail:
( The girl on this pic is my character )

Thanks Portable Games Collection for the pic.

When browsing the Internet, I found a news that Puzzle Quest is also available in iPhone...nice!



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